Here is this DIDJAMAN didgeridoo named « AMARANTIN« , with its mixture of purple amaranth wood which contrasts with the Transparent Epoxy and the white robe of the instrument…

  • Wood : Eucalyptus « YELLOW BOX », cut in 2006, Cape York, Australia…

  •  Drying : 14 ans

  • Note :  D

  • Age : + 40 years

  • Height : 122 cm

  • Diameter Pavilion : 9,7 cm

  • Diameter Column mouthpiece : 6 cm

  • Diameter opening mouthpiece : 30 mm

  • Weight : 3,3 Kg

  • Amaranth Wood Mouthpiece + Transparent Epoxy with Gabon Ebony Wood Ring…

  • Transparent Pavilion Crown also…

  • Qualities : Ultra-precise and soft harmonics… which makes it an instrument of disconcerting ease of playing !

  • DIDJAMAN luxury tailor-made cover, for winter outings, matched to the instrument…


  • + 120 € shipping costs for Europe by UPS
  • * To buy this didgeridoo or get a payment facility… do not hesitate to contact Raphaël Didjaman ORDER